Sunday, May 25, 2014

Getting Heard in Houston This Week

On Wednesday night, the city council in Houston is set to vote on HERO (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance). Houston is deciding whether to join Pflugerville ISD and other local government entities in recognizing the rights of the LGBT community. These are historic times, and you have a chance to effect positive (or negative) change this week.

Here is the edited text of an email I received from a friend and former colleague of mine. If you wish to make a statement, Tim Bacon's pointers will help you.

The council meets again on the Human Rights Ordinance this coming Wednesday from 9 AM to late in the evening. They will vote this time. So any contacts you generate will need to be done by the end of the work day on Tuesday. Today and Monday, since city hall isn't open, you could generate emails. On Tuesday, email will still be received, but telephone calls are more effective at that point.

The ministers working against us have generated calls from all over the country. That opens using those questionable actions to us and, in my opinion, makes it necessary to follow suit. You don't have to say where you live, though if asked for a zip code give it accurately. 

Be sure to remind others of some important points:
  1. Be polite. Be personal.
  2. Give your name and any other info for which you are asked.
  3. It is highly unlikely you will talk to the council person you call. You'll talk to an employee. Ask them to give your message to the council person.
  4. State that you are in favor of the ordinance.
  5. Tell why. Add any personal experiences you want to support your position.
  6. Ask the council person to vote yes.
  7. Say thanks.
It is not necessary to make contacts to each council person. Below are names, emails and phone numbers that are crucial to contact. Email and call each of them.
Thanks so much for anything you can do. Enjoy.

Here is an example from my Sent Mail folder. It's a big picture because the text is small.
May we live in a time when this is no longer an issue.

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