Thursday, December 31, 2015

Vox Populi

The blogger requests input on the fate of Picasso's 
TĂȘte de Faune.

Every year, Cards Against Humanity makes a special offer to patrons: send them $15 & receive whatever they feel like sending you.  Last year, I received personalized CAH cards AND one square foot of land in Maine.

This year, I have received three pairs of socks. They also bought a minor painting by Picasso.

I must vote tonight on whether this Picasso painting should be donated to the Art Institute of Chicago...or cut into 150,000 pieces (one of which I will receive--and frame).

Voting ends tonight.  I turn to you for my vote.  "Donate" or "Cut?"  Leave your one-word preference in the comment section.  Please let me know by 10 p.m. CST.