Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Verse on a New Chapter

At my last position, I heard numbers thrown around like they were confetti.
The average 14-year-old will hold 15 jobs by age 38...or 38 jobs by 15...

99.99994% of new jobs will require postsecondary training.

98.742% of these new jobs don't exist right now

College is now a necessity, not a luxury [was COLLEGE ever a luxury?]

One key way to fix the whole "post-secondary thing" would be to embrace the liberal arts concept. You learn the ways of knowing and how they interact. Economists and philosophers see the same thing differently. Both approaches are valid, at least to some degree. Where they intersect is gold. Things relate to each other. You approach new things from multiple angles; that way you get a better understanding of the whole.
Of course, there's that whole word in there...LIBERAL! This is Texas, after all.
These colleges are expensive and they teach no job skills...like a degree specific to the job you get after you graduate.

  • Assuming there is a job in that field after 4 or 5 years from the kid's college matriculation.

  • Assuming that the other 13 or 14 jobs relate to the first, specifically because they don't exist, as previously announced.

  • Assuming any of the ridiculous numbers are actually relevant.

  • Assuming there's a degree for every potential job.

There's one group that seems to be fighting for liberal education. That group is NITLE ("nightly"). The acronym stands for the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education. "To the cloud" put to academic use, if you will. Higher education institutions can enhance student services with virtual computer laboratories. Multiple institutions can offer coursework that meets student needs using innovative technology.
It's a think tank. It's an institute. It's a service organization.

It's my new employer.

I join the cause tomorrow. It took some time to actually turn this last page, but it's important that I did. I got put where I belong. Again.

I expect great things from me. I'll let you know when I see them.

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