Monday, February 25, 2013

I Hate Gays More Than I Like Children: A Tribute to Drew Springer


Texas is failing its own children, and the right wing doesn't care.

In an education world where standardized testing is killing student learning, THIS is the key issue to a representative from Amarillo: what PFLUGERVILLE is doing. From what I can tell, five people (5) have taken the opportunity to buy the mediocre health insurance offered to Pflugerville Independent School District families. These five (5) people are so important to the people of Amarillo that it merits the time and energy to stop any education reform for FIVE MILLION (5,000,000) public school children to discuss, debate,...and threaten.

Pflugerville--along with Springer's school district and hundreds of other districts--is suing the state of Texas because the funding doesn't match the accountability demands set forth by the state. Unfunded mandates from Austin abound. Districts are restricted in how much they can tax at the local level, yet the demands from the state keep increasing. How does the new, problematic STAAR test directly relates to gay marriage? Health care benefits, purchased by five people.

That's right. It's not as though any state or local tax dollars are being used here. That doesn't stop big-government Republicans from threatening a district's finances over a social issue--all the while ignoring the direct issues in Texas education.

"Smaller government!"
"Local control!"
  • Unless you disagree with what another locality is doing. Then it becomes a STATE issue.
  • Unless the state disagrees with your views. Then it becomes a NATIONAL issue.
  • Unless the nation has said differently. Then you start an online petition to SECEDE.

This is why Shelby County vs. Holder (heard this week by the Supreme Court) is an important issue. It's why we need the Voter Rights Act kept intact and why groups like Empower the Vote Texas remain crucial. There are still some places in America where you can't trust the local elected officials. Amarillo's representatives should worry about Amarillo, not five people in Pflugerville.

It gets pretty rough, watching one party in full control. You see how a one-sided push leads a state or locality (or nation) down a troublesome path. If you've been to Washington's Metro system, then you know how an all-liberal approach can lead to problems, as well.

There was a time when these issues were discussed rationally. That led to peace, prosperity, and budget surpluses.

Now, we have war, recession, and debt--powered by gridlock.

I miss the days when people talked to each other, not cameras.

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