Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gingrich: Changing Child Labor Laws Would Improve Schools - Politics K-12 - Education Week

I'm all for hard work, and I expect hard work from my children. However, we do have a candidate for president--now a serious one--that has a few...unorthodox...ideas about kids. What is Newt Gingrich's idea of the biggest challenge facing public schools today? Child Labor Laws.

My man Newt Gingrich is now working to fix child labor laws to include full janitorial work by young students. If we could just get rid of the UNION janitorial jobs...

[Note that UNION needed to be included in this whole line of Gingrich logic.]

...we could then put students in poor schools to work. We would give them a chance to earn money and learn how to show up on Monday, as his quote reads.

Newt, school starts on Monday. They are working, and they are even doing some of the custodial work. I remember banging chalkboard erasers back in the day, and my other kids fight for the opportunity to hold various class duties. The jobs teachers give the kids are seen as an honor. They imply a certain level of trust from the teacher.

Newt has a tendency to be creative in a very alarming way. In a previous campaign, he lamented that we don't have any really good orphanages in this country. This election, he sees child labor protection as a problem...and a way to get those dang UNIONS out of the picture. How do we create jobs? Fire all the custodians and have children do the work. That will teach them a work ethic. Of course, in those poorest of neighborhoods, these same kids see their parents out of work. Still, they get to school. On Monday.

How is it that these "great ideas" always begin under the guise of helping poor kids?

Gingrich: Changing Child Labor Laws Would Improve Schools - Politics K-12 - Education Week.

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